CGB MUN IV Logo & Slogan

CGB MUN IV Logo & Slogan

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Brief Interviews

Food and Agricultural Organisation

Delegation of Brazil- He has enjoyed the Model UN and thinks that there should be no changes to the program. He found the topics or themes that FAO have discussed interesting.

Delegation of Mexico- He has enjoyed the Model UN so much that he thinks that no changes should be made from the way that it is run at the moment.He found the attitude of the other delegates towards this event interesting.

Delegation of Egypt- She has enjoyed the Model UN. She thinks that more people should be part of the FAO committee. She however did not find anything interesting within her committee at the time.

Vicepresident- He has enjoyed the Model UN.He however thought that the other delegates were not prepared enough to discuss during the debates. He found the personal conflict between the delegations of USA and Canada interesting, he said the same about the fact that the delegation of the UK seemed to hate the other delegates.

Security Council

Anonymous- He/She has enjoyed the Model UN so far but thinks that more people should join the Security Council. He/She was inspired by the enthusiasm of the delegations of China and Russia

Colombia- She has enjoyed the Model UN so far, but thinks that the Security Council should meet or discuss in the conference room. She found the topics or themes that were discussed somewhat interesting.

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