CGB MUN IV Logo & Slogan

CGB MUN IV Logo & Slogan

Monday, November 7, 2011



Delegados, bienvenidos al tercer modelo de las naciones del Colegio Gran Bretaña, como ya saben UNICEF trabaja para que se cumplan los derechos de los niños a la salud, la educación y la protección en todo el mundo. La presidenta será Laura Leiva, ella ha participado en aproximadamente 5 modelos y ha sido presidente o vicepresidenta en dos, este será su tercero. Su vicepresidente será Álvaro Daniel Castillo… (agrega tu info.) Los invitamos a participar en este evento educativo y cultural en donde van a adquirir una visión global de los problemas actuales y podrán desarrollar soluciones qué afectan a toda la humanidad.

El primer tema tratado en la comisión será la calidad y cobertura de la educación a nivel escolar y universitario. UNICEF trabaja para conseguir cambios reales en las vidas de millones de niños, para lograr una calidad de vida es necesario que los niños alrededor del mundo tengan acceso a una buena educación, esto no sólo los ayudará en el futuro pero también ayudará al futuro del país y es una mayor escala a la humanidad entera. La declaración de los Derechos del niño, fue aprobada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas el 20 de noviembre de 1959, en donde se aclaró que uno de sus derechos es el derecho a la educación. Sin embargo, en varios países este derecho no se esta cumpliendo, ya sea por razones socio-económicas, de conflictos internos, etc. Por esta razón es importante que esta comisión llegue a soluciones viables que puedan ser aplicadas en todos los países.

El segundo tema por ser tratado es el cumplimiento de los derechos de los niños. ¿Cómo podemos asegurarnos que estos derechos estén siendo cumplidos? Ya esta establecido que los niños tienen derechos, el dilema es como podemos llegar a estar seguros que estos estén siendo cumplidos alrededor del mundo. Es por esto que debemos llegar a acuerdos que nos hagan estar confiados que ningún derecho este siendo violado, y sí lo es un modo de rehabilitación para estos niños siendo afectados por abuso, violencia y violaciones generales de sus derechos,

Ya habiendo planteado los temas tratados en la comisión de UNICEF es importante que empiecen a investigar lo más pronto posible de cómo estos problemas afectan a su delegación. También ya conociendo el impacto mundial que tienen estos temas es primordial que busquen soluciones viables que todos los países, sin importar sus condiciones actuales, puedan aplicar. Si necesitan algún tipo de ayuda no duden en contactarnos ya sea en el colegio o por correo electrónico ( &

En estas fuentes pueden encontrar buena información que los puede ayudar:


Delegates, Welcome to SOCHUM. The commission for social, humanitarian and cultural debating. My name is Emily Vallée and I will be your president this year. I started in MUN when I was only 12 years old. Since then I’ve gone 6 MUN’s in and outside of CGB. Your Vice-president is Natalia Marulanda and she has a great interest for political debates. We both know that as delegates this year in SOCHUM you have great potential and as your president I am quite excited to see what sort of solutions you come up with for the problems we will be debating over the course of 3 days. We expect everyone to try their hardest, and it’s up to us to make a better future.

Our first topic is the recruitment and use of children in the military. “I think with sorrow of those living and growing up against a background of war, of those who have known nothing but conflict and violence…What a terrible legacy for their future! Children need peace; they have a right to it.”-Pope John Paul II. Children are the future and they deserve a childhood full of learning, not a war zone. Child recruitment could be characterized in any of these 3 forms: children can take direct part in hostilities (child soldiers), or they can be used in support roles such as porters, spies, messengers, look outs, and sexual slaves; or they can be used for political advantage either as human shields or in propaganda. More than 500,000 children under-18 have been recruited into state and non-state armed groups in over 85 countries worldwide, according to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child contained specific provisions for the protection of children under 15 years from recruitment into armies. Many campaigns have been made to prevent the use of children in armed conflicts, but there are still thousands of under-aged people that have to live under these circumstances. These provisions are not enough.

Delegates, the second topic we have been assigned is the elimination of all forms of discrimination among children. “And each of us can practice rights ourselves, treating each other without discrimination, respecting each other's dignity and rights. -Carol Bellamy. Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc.; action based on prejudice. Children should not be ashamed to show who they really are. Although, with the risk of being physically and psychologically bullied they cannot help but be on constant guard. This doesn’t necessarily always happen on school grounds, this is a problem that takes place everywhere. Discrimination causes a lot of insecurities in children these days, and when it becomes severe many young people consider suicide. This is an issue that could be easily prevented. 56% of boys and 40% of girls in grades 6 and 8 had bullied someone that year. 43% of boys and 35% of girls said they had been bullied in that year. (International study done for Health Canada, 2010). Anti-bullying programs are held in schools all around the world, but according to statistics… These programs have barely made a change in discrimination against children.
Remember, we are the future leaders of the world. Recruitment and discrimination of children are unacceptable and these problems will not be taken lightly. We will find solutions. This is a great experience for all of us. Your vice-president Natalia Marulanda and I will be here for any guidance or help needed. Your ideas are vital. We’ll all try our hardest to make CGB MUN IV unforgettable. J
Best of Luck!

Your President, Emily Vallée

Helpful links:

Topic 1, Recruitment and use of children in the military

Topic 2, Elimination of all forms of discrimination among children



Fellow Presidents, teacher and students:

MUN is a one of a kind experience, not only because you gain knowledge about things you wouldn’t consider about  on a regular day, it will also give you the experience of friendship and respect for others situations and opinions. For the Ecosoc your President is Paula Luna she has participated in 5 models from human rights to Ecofin and has been vice-president in one of them. Your Vice-President is Daniel Escobar he has participated in 3 models from Security Council to Ecosoc. Throughout our experience we have come to appreciate what MUN is all about, its situations, its issues and its solutions. We encourage you all to do the same. For those who already experienced a model or for any of you who have yet to discover what MUN is all about we believe you will find this year’s MUN model a fascinating experience. For our commission, its problems are of great interest to every single country and person who participates.

The first issue to be discussed will be the meassures to prevent and stop child labour. This oractice has been considered as explotative by the United Nations, however many developing countries still need to adopt new laws so the rate in this topic decreases significantly enough in order to preserve the human rights of children in as many places as possible. Even though it might seem obvious, our commission will need to focus in the economical and social aspects and impacts that this worldwide issue represents, how it affects multiple countries and finally create a concrete analysis that concludes our discussions during the sessions

Our second issue is about Sustainable Development. Although there are many countries that already have a high development compared to others but that doesn’t indicate that it is a sustainable. And what is sustainable development? Or who do we consider a sustainable developed country? This is a serious situation that must be addressed by every single country so it can have a high quality of life, a good economy system, a high standard of living. For these things to be accomplished each country must develop a system which helps with its own believes, issues and many other aspects that make a country.

As said before these two situations must be well monitored and solved. For this to be accomplished you must all begin your investigation on how they affect each of your countries; you must also be aware that these situations also affect every single country so you must be able to find a viable solution not only for your country but for others because your solution may help many others that don’t have resources or have not yet considered things you have.

For more information or any kind of help you need our e-mails are the following and

You may use any kind of web page or book for your research. These are some useful web pages:

Please avoid using pages like Wikipedia.

Good luck


Comité: DiSec
Presidente: Sergio Avilán Britto
Vise-Presidente: Juan Esteban Trujillo

 Inicialmente me gustaría darle una bienvenida a todos los delegados que pronto van a entrar a el Modelo de Naciones unidas del colegio Gran Bretaña. Mi nombre es Sergio Avilán Britto y seré su presidente en el foro de Desarmamiento y Seguridad. Mi experiencia en los modelos de naciones unidas, es la participación en al menos cuatro diferente modelos en los cuales tres he sido reconocido como el mejor delegado y en uno elegido como un delegado sobresaliente. También es importante mencionar el hecho de que participe en el EuroModelo, programa en el que fui el presidente de mi partido político y vocero del mismo. Ahora ya que se ha dicho bastante sobre mi pasaré a introducir los temas a tratar. A demás trabajaran con el vise-presidente Juan Esteban Trujillo que ha participado en tres modelos y a demostrado un gran nivel, siendo países importantes y recibiendo reconocimiento por su actividad.

El primer tema es sobre el desarmamiento de las pandillas juveniles en Latinoamérica, tema apropiado para el tema seleccionado en este modelo: Juventud. En este tema es importante analizar los procesos efectuados en el mundo, que ha hecho la ley por los jóvenes y como se han involucrado las Naciones Unidas. Partir desde el taller que se llevó acabo en San Salvador, para las pandillas juveniles mayormente conocidas como los “Maras”. Es un taller que como objetivo principal tuvo la meta de encontrar y analizar el problema de la violencia y los surgimientos de las pandillas. Colateralmente se determinó este taller a reinsertar a algunos de los “pandilleros” políticamente. También, mirar la resolución de las Naciones Unidas sobre las pandillas juveniles, efectuada en el 2005, Diciembre; resolución que pretende atacar el origen del problema, y entiende el surgimiento de las pandillas juveniles como posconflicto. Trabajo efectuado por Gonzalo Wielandt; Chileno, activista político que busca en el origen de dicho problema.

El segundo tema a tratar en nuestra comisión es el desarmamiento de las bases militares de EE.UU. en Latinoamérica. Un tema sumamente relevante para todos los Latinoamericanos presentes ya que es un tema que nos envuelve a todos.  Este problema claramente tiene que partir de la premisa que hay países que apoyan tanto como hay países que están claramente en contra de las bases militares de EE.UU. en Latinoamérica. Es importante analizar la postura del embajador de Venezuela frente a la ONU cuando denuncio y advirtió el riesgo de estas bases militares. La discusión tiene que ser dirigida a la solución de corto y largo plazo de esta situación.

Finalmente quiero desearles a todos un muy buen desarrollo en este modelo de naciones unidas y que cada quien pueda encontrar lo que desee. A demás de un excelente trabajo formal y de investigación y acción que van a llevar a cabo, espero que todos encuentren el mayor de los placeres de trabajar en una comisión de tanta importancia como esta, y los esperare a todos. Buena suerte próximos a ser delegados.
No duden en contactarme.

Security Council

Security Council CGBMUN IV
President: Cristina Camacho
Vice-president: Nicolás Leiva

Dear Delegates,
As your presidents, we would like to welcome you to Colegio Gran Bretaña’s fourth annual Model United Nations. As most of you know, both of us have participated in all of CGB’s MUNs, and have had experience as presidents and vice presidents during the last couple of years. Also, we have taken part in countless MUNs outside of school since 2008, and every time, we have found room to grow and become more well-rounded people. We have learned and discussed topics and represented nations that have changed our perspectives on the entire world. This year’s CGB Model United Nations will be orbiting the main theme of Youth. The Security Council has the primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. As part of this extremely prestigious committee, we will be debating two topics:
1. The forced and voluntary recruitment of youth into illegal groups in the Americas.
2. The use of teenagers as suicide bombers in the Middle East.
You will find a small introduction to each topic with a list of sources where you can investigate. In addition, remember you are all expected to hand in an opening speech and position paper in order to ensure the best possible outcome during the debate. We encourage each and every one of you to work hard and make the most of this opportunity.

1. The forced and voluntary recruitment of youth into illegal groups in the Americas.
What is a child soldier? According to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers defines a child soldier “as any person below the age of 18 who is a member of or attached to irregular armed force or armed political groups. Child soldiers perform a range of tasks including: participation in combat; laying mines; cooking.” The recruitment of children under the age of 15 for military purpose is a war crime under a statute of the International Criminal Court. However, the Human Rights watch still estimates 300,000 children are currently serving as soldiers for both rebel and government forces in armed conflicts. Between 2002 and 2007, it was reported that over 21 armed conflicts contained children under the age of 18. In some armed groups, the proportion of child soldiers can reach up to 70%.  Furthermore, they have confirmed the inclusion of child soldiers in countries such as Colombia (as members of Las FARC and ELN), Brazil (in Favelas and in drug-related business), Peru and other Central American countries. These children are forced into revolutionary armed groups through sexual, physical and emotional violence, or sometimes even out of free will with the purpose of obtaining money or supporting a group’s political or religious views. Living conditions for these soldiers are terrible in most of the cases, and for that reason the United Nations has created a Protocol for Children and Armed Conflicts. The UN is trying to solve this problem that affects children everywhere on a daily basis, and is working to protect them as much as possible.

2. The use of teenagers as suicide bombers in the Middle East.
Children like to identify themselves with heroes; heroes who commit heroic acts and represent power.  Lebanon experienced the first known modern suicide bombing attack in 1981. In the last 30 years, this has become an extremely common practice. Every day in countries in the Middle East, children are being used as suicide bombers as part of terrorist attacks. Since 9/11, Pakistan has had over 290 bombings, killing at least 4,600 people, making suicide bombings everyday occurrences. One of the main problems with these attacks is that the bombers are able to attack popular areas and get very close to large amounts of people. Many teenagers have now become experts in making home-made pipe bombs, and in places like Palestine even receive weapon training in summer camps sponsored not only by revolutionary groups, but also mainstream national organizations. Between the years 2000 and 2005, over 80% of suicide bombers used in terrorist attacks in Israel have been between the ages of 17 and 24. Moreover, the attackers are considered martyrs: they become almost holy, are praised by their entire communities, are granted a high social status, and their families are congratulated and privileged by state officials. As part of tradition, teenagers and children also dress to represent death, or even as pint-sized suicide bombers. Whether attackers are part of revolutionary groups like Fatah or Hamas, or act on behalf of the misinterpreted Muslim religious belief, Jihad, hundreds of people serve as victims for the ruthless attacks taking place in the Middle East, and it is atrocious to think most of them are being committed by teenagers and young adults.
These topics are very interesting because they involve people our own age: Children that should be at home with their parents, enjoying an education, freedom, and not have to worry about living to tell a story another day. There is a relationship between these Child Soldiers and Suicide Bombers and us, and it is our duty to exploit that relationship in order to benefit these children. For this reason we want to invite all of our delegates to explore these issues, and debate about it not only with the ideas and thoughts of your assigned nation, but with the heart of the Children we all are.

“I would like you to give a message. Please do your best to tell the world what is happening to us, the children. So that other children don’t have to pass through this violence.” – 15 year old (Uganda)
Delegates, once again, we encourage all of you to take it upon yourselves to work your hardest and make this commission the best of the entire Model. Reread the testimony above. Children everywhere are being affected by these topics, and it is important not only to be aware of it, but also learn how to create possible solutions to eradicate these issues. We will be meeting as a commission throughout the next couple of weeks to work on this Model United Nations; and know there should be no hesitation in contacting either of us if you have any questions or doubts. We are anxious to meet you all, and work side by side in order to solve these issues that are greatly affecting our beloved world.
Thank you,
Cristina Camacho and Nicolás Leiva.

List of Sources:
United Nations Home Page -
CIA World Factbook -
Human Rights Watch -
Child Soldiers organization -
Children and Armed Conflict -
Global Report on Child Soldiers -
Global Report on Child Soldiers in America -
War Child, Child Soldier control -
Child Labour Guide (Child Soldiers) -
Suicide Bombers articles - ,
Teenage Suicide Bombers -
Suicide Bombers -
UN Suicide Bombers -


Sara Cely and Paola Ruiz
World Health Organization

Welcome to the forth Model United Nations of Colegio Gran Bretaña. You are part of the World Health Organization, which, in the United Nations system, is the coordinating authority for health issues. Your president will be Sara Cely, who has been either president or vice-president in all of the MUNs of CGB. Your vice-president will be Paola Ruiz, who has had experience in this commission since she entered the school two years ago. We strongly encourage you to give your best during the three days of the model, as well as in your research and planning time.

The first topic to debate is, ‘treatment and prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism in youth’. As you are aware, it is an issue very concerning worldwide; approximately 5,000 young people under age die every year due to underage drinking, and 6.3 percent of the teens between 12 and 17 years old use marijuana. This is only in the US. The WHO is very active concerning alcoholism and drug abuse congresses, conventions, events and discussions along with other foundations, organizations and areas of the United Nations, such as the 54th UN session on Narcotic Drugs, and the Global Alcohol Policy Conference that will be held the last days of November. Different countries are implementing successful strategies to prevent drug addiction and alcoholism and, even though various movements are taking place, there are still a lot of things to be done, and you delegates, have now the opportunity to come up with viable solutions to help these issues.

The second topic in discussion will be ‘family planning, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases’. This topic is rather relevant and contemporary due to the fact that without the knowledge on these aspects, sexually transmitted diseases will continue to infect a large percentage of the population. Until today, the WHO has developed several missions and programs such as the SDI, which is a centre of diagnostic development of sexually transmitted infections, and the main purpose of this mission is to use appropriate health care setting in developing countries. The World Health Organization states that, "in developing countries, STDs and their complications are amongst the top five disease categories for which adults seek health care. In women of childbearing age, STDs (excluding HIV) are second only to maternal factors as causes of disease, death and healthy life lost". Also, the WHO along with other areas of the United Nations has come to great achievements concerning the most common STD in the world, HIV. Since more than 5 million people have had access to HIV treatment in 2009, AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by more than 20% in the last 5 years. The main achievement still to be accomplished is the absolute elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015. However, there are still many issues to be resolved concerning this matter and it is your job, delegates, to come up with solutions assuming your country’s position.

Delegates, drug addiction and alcoholism in youth as well as the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases are not issues to be underestimated, action has to be taken and solutions have to arise. It is your job to unravel these issues and take advantage of this opportunity to change the world. Please take into account that if you have any doubts, you should not hesitate in contacting your President or Vice-President. Remember that this is a cultural, creative and didactic activity. It will help us develop as individuals when facing relevant and prevailing issues concerning society.
We wish you the best of luck,
Sara Cely and Paola Ruiz

Here are some useful websites to enhance your research:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Brief Interviews

Food and Agricultural Organisation

Delegation of Brazil- He has enjoyed the Model UN and thinks that there should be no changes to the program. He found the topics or themes that FAO have discussed interesting.

Delegation of Mexico- He has enjoyed the Model UN so much that he thinks that no changes should be made from the way that it is run at the moment.He found the attitude of the other delegates towards this event interesting.

Delegation of Egypt- She has enjoyed the Model UN. She thinks that more people should be part of the FAO committee. She however did not find anything interesting within her committee at the time.

Vicepresident- He has enjoyed the Model UN.He however thought that the other delegates were not prepared enough to discuss during the debates. He found the personal conflict between the delegations of USA and Canada interesting, he said the same about the fact that the delegation of the UK seemed to hate the other delegates.

Security Council

Anonymous- He/She has enjoyed the Model UN so far but thinks that more people should join the Security Council. He/She was inspired by the enthusiasm of the delegations of China and Russia

Colombia- She has enjoyed the Model UN so far, but thinks that the Security Council should meet or discuss in the conference room. She found the topics or themes that were discussed somewhat interesting.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Opening Ceremony Speech by the Honourable Secretary General Mr. Juan Felipe Díaz

Good Afternoon fellow Presidents, Delegates, Teachers, and honoured Guests, It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Colegio Gran Bretaña’s Third Model of United Nations.
My name is Juan Felipe Diaz and I am the Secretary General for the CGBMUN III. First of all, I would like to apologize for not being able to stand up, for all of you who don’t already know, I was injured last week.
Let’s start with some simple facts:
Were you aware that already over half of the world's tropical forests have been lost due to deforestation?
Or that one billion seabirds and mammals die each year from ingesting plastic bags?
Did you know that on average it would cost about $13 billion dollars annually to satisfy the world's basic sanitation and food requirements, and that, this amount is roughly equivalent to what Americans and Europeans spend on perfume and cologne every year?
Can't we all agree that the world would smell a lot better if no one wore perfume or cologne, but no one was starving to death either?
Poverty, pollution, war, deforestation, hunger.
Clearly, the world we live in is not perfect. This world needs to be fixed.
It only takes one person to make a change. Regardless of our nationality, we are all citizens of the world; we all have the duty to preserve our planet, therefore this year’s CGB Model of United Nations will focus on the conservation of the environment and the implementation of sustainable development polices. As delegates from more than 30 nationalities, you can contribute with your country’s ideas and your will to change the world. Those changes come from within you, in the words of Mahatma Ghandi “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”
This is why a Model of United Nations is such an enriching experience; it helps you take the first step towards that change, by making you conscious of what is happening in the world surrounding us. It makes you reflect about how you live, it also helps you develop countless skills like public speaking, teamwork and problem solving.
I hope you all learn from this experience and I wish you can leave on Friday with great memories of this activity. Dear delegates, I invite you enjoy and have fun in this MUN, there was a lot of effort put into preparing this event. This is not for me, for your teachers or for your presidents, this model is for you delegates. Never the less, I also encourage you to take the debates of the following two days with the appropriate seriousness. Remember that your work in commission is beneficial to you as an individual but also to the world as a whole. We are the leaders of the future; we have only one chance to change this world. Let’s make it count.
Thank You